Mark Myers is a member of the Association of Family
and Conciliation Courts ("AFCC"), and is a member of the newly-formed AFCC Louisiana Chapter (2010). What
is the AFCC? The AFCC is an association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children and families
through the resolution of family conflict. AFCC brings together members of multiple disciplines in the private, public,
and nonprofit sectors from all over the world. AFCC members do not share a common profession. Instead, they share
a strong commitment to education, innovation and collaboration in order to benefit communities, empower families and promote
a healthy future for children. For more information about the AFCC, visit their website at www.afccnet.org.
"A child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning
of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him"
If you have any ADR/Mediation/Arbitration stories, humor, etc., you would like
to share, e-mail them to me and I will add them to this page. E-mail me at myers24ma@aol.com. Thank you !