ARBITRATION is a formal
process where the parties agree to have their case decided by an Arbitrator, a neutral third party, after an Evidentiary Hearing
is conducted. The Arbitrator's decision, called an Award, is legally binding and can be enforced in Court. Arbitration
Awards have very limited grounds for appeal. ARBITRATION
allows more flexibility in the presentation of evidence. The Hearing can be scheduled much sooner than a Court date.
Once your Hearing is scheduled, it is not subject to postponement due to other Court cases. ARBITRATION provides a quick and cost-effrective method of having your dispute
decided. It eliminates or reduces legal fees and court costs and the uncertainty of jury decisions. If the parties
desire, attorneys can represent them in the process and at the Hearing. ARBITRATION Hearings are conducted in a private, confidential office setting. Although the
proceedings are conducted in private, the Award may be filed with a Court, if necessary, for enforcement. Hearings are
scheduled to the parties' mutual convenience. ARBITRATION
is best for cases where the parties want another person to decide the outcome of their dispute for them but want to avoid
the formality, time, and expense of a trial.
Mark A. Myers is an experienced Arbitrator who has handled a variety of cases. He can be reached at 985.768.9015
or by e-mail at myers24ma@aol.com to explain the many advantages of ARBITRATION in your case. ARBITRATION hearings can be
conducted at our offices in Slidell, Metairie, Harvey and New Orleans, Louisiana. ARBITRATION services are offered at
client facilities, or agreed conference locations, throughout Southeastern Louisiana and Southern Mississippi. To date,
Mark has arbitrated cases in eight (8) states - Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, New York and
Tennessee - and in San Juan, Puerto Rico..
In addition
to his private arbitration practice at RESOLUTIONS, Mark serves on the arbitration panels for the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA), the National Futures Association, the Louisiana State Bar Association, and the Better Business Bureau.